The Unexpected Mrs Polifax

by Dorothy Gilman

Mrs. Polifax #1
a review by Elleanore G. Vance

Emily Polifax is afraid to take her geraniums to the roof of her apartment building in New Brunswick, New Jersey because thenprecipice was entirely too inviting that one time.  Whennher doctor sees the change in her, knowing that she is recently widowed with adult children, he suggests  she try a new hobby. Something she's always wanted to do; charitable work, the arts, and tavelling are among his suggestions.

But what has Emily Polifax always wanted to do? Her dearest childhood ambition? Why, to be a spy, of course! So she boards a bus to Langley, letter of introduction from her senator in hand.

She wasn't  supposed to meet Mr. Carstairs, she was supposed to talk to an underling and be given a tour, then sent on her way. Mr. Carstairs happens to meet her when he barges into the conference room she is waiting in, believing her to be a retired feild agent reporting for a courier job.

The courier is to go to Mexico City and visit a bookstore, then come home. Mrs Polifax looks perfect. When the mistaken identity is discovered,( "she's here to volunteer as a spy, sir") and Carstairs meets the woman he was intended to, he decides she is all wrong, and Emily Polifax will be going to Mexico City! The timetable is tight, so there isnt any to lose.

A death-defying adveture follows, and estsblishes a lovely cast of characters. Descriptions of tourist destinations are detailed and vivid , if dated. Sections read like a tourist's guide book, rich with detail, yet keeping up a breakneck pace. If you passed this one by on all of the Reccomended Reading lists like I did in high school, it might be time to give it a chance. Mrs. Polifax shows us that courage and ingenuity know no age. She is a true Badass and I wish more people knew that.

⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5 stars



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