
Showing posts from April, 2024

A Drink Before the War

Kenzie and Gennaro book 1 A review by Elleanore G. Vance CW: this book uses a variety of slurs (1-2 whole pages of n-word slurs somewhere in the middle, and a few more sprinkled throughout, among others ), domestic abuse, transactional sex, abuse of power, parental abuse of a minor, sexual abuse of a minor, sexual assault and sexual trafficing. Should you decide to read this book, know that some of these are plot points and may be upsetting. This may not be the book for you. Patrick Kenzie is a private detective whose office is in the belfrey of the neighborhood catholic church. His partner is childhood BFF, Angela Gennaro, who is married to former pal Phil.  (It is not a happy union.  More on that later)  The pair are hired by a trio of politicans who want them to recover some documents purloined by a former employee.  While in search of the documents and the woman who took them,  Patrick and Angie confront personal demons.  Then they get a scrap of a piece of evidence that threat